Saturday, February 22, 2014

A PhD Joke

Before joining PhD:
·  I want to win the Nobel Prize.
·  I want to win the Turing Award.

First year of PhD:d
·  I want to finish PhD in two years.
·  I want to publish papers only in top tier conferences.
·  I want to make ground-breaking research.
·  I want to win the best PhD Thesis award.

Second year of PhD:
·  I want to finish PhD in 5 years.
·  I want a problem.
·  Shall I change my advisor?
Third year of PhD:
·  I want a paper; I don't care which conference.
·  Shall I change my topic?
·  I want to be known as Dr bhOndOO...

Fourth year of PhD:
·  I want to finish PhD!
·  My industry-friends have two children by now. When will I get married?

Fifth year of PhD:
·  Why did I come here?
·  Why did I choose this advisor?
·  Why did I choose this topic?

Sixth year of PhD:
·  Someone give me a degree!
·  I want to leave this place — for ever.
·  Let me leave.

Seventh year of PhD:
·  People call me uncle.
·  She waited and finally married someone else.I don't want any degree. I just want to live peacefully

10 reasons why I chose Research as a career:-

(1)   I hate sleeping.

(2)   I have already enjoyed my life in childhood.

(3)   I cannot live without tension.

(4)   I wanted to have a disturbed family life.

(5)   I believed in Gita “Karm karo, fal ki icha mat karo”.

(6)   I wanted to take revenge on myself.

(7)   I want to miss my LOVE.

(8)   I wanted social boycott.

(9)   I wanted to break up with my friends.

(10) I love to work on Sundays and Holidays.

Moods in the lab: !

Best Regards

Rishikesh Padmanabhan
Mobile: +91 959 004 6326

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