Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Responsible Tourism = Sustainable Tourism

(Old wine (Sustainable Tourism) in new bottle (Responsible Tourism)

If the question asked by William Shakespeare “what is in a name?” in Romeo and Juliet is repeated, you may be confused at some instances. This is the case of two terms “Sustainable Tourism and Responsible Tourism”.  Both are same, but still we try to spot difference. Though questions pose, a big mantra of survival lies in it. Tourism is all about exploration and needs novelty and innovation to spin revenue. The same is applicable to individual and corporation associated with this industry as well. Here is the truth behind the re-making of sustainable tourism.
Responsible Tourism is relatively very new and a meaningful term introduced recently to catalyze sustainable tourism destination management. It is promising to see that some States have introduced special programmes under the banner of Responsible Tourism. There is no dual opinion in the fact that the term ‘Responsible Tourism” is more meaningful and quiet familiar to the common parlor, hence became popular. However, the theoretical underpinnings of the concept and its origin are hardly discussed.
Department for Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT) Africa and a team led by Spenceley consist of Relly, Keyser, Warmeant, McKenzie, and Mataboge have the credit of developing, designing, and discussing the concept responsible tourism initially. Responsible Tourism Manual for South Africa published in 2002 is likely the first credible document available in this context. At the same year Cape Town Declaration on Responsible Tourism also released. Jost Krippendorf (1987), Harrison & Husbands, (1996), and (, 2004) were also hinted it in various contexts. The Kerala declaration on Responsible Tourism came out in 2008. Factually, the Kerala initiative was modeled after the successful women empowerment scheme of the state of Kerala ‘Kerala Sate Poverty Eradication Mission’ widely known as “Kudumbasree”. The concept of sustainable tourism coined during 1980s after the Brundtland Report[a] specifically began in the early 1990s with Edward Inskeep (1991) who defined five main criteria for sustainable tourism, which later accepted by UNWTO. To call a spade a spade, Responsible Tourism initiatives of Kerala is the single initiative in this line among a very few in some corners of the globe.
Theoretically, Responsible Tourism and Sustainable Tourism are same and are founded on the triple bottom-line principle.[1] (2), means bringing positive social environmental, and economic impacts to destination.  The similarity is seen while comparing the official criteria developed both for Responsible Tourism [3),  and Sustainable Tourism [4) . Specifically,
  1. The edifice of sustainable tourism built on social, environment and economic dimensions. Similarly Responsible Tourism aims at social and economic development and is emphasizing on minimizing negative impacts.
  2. Community is at the Centre of both concepts and grass root level intervention is also envisaged
  3. Local ownership especially local government is at the steering role to drive the initiative
  4. Theoretically, environment, society, and economy have equal importance. Practically, sustainable tourism is projected as an environmental conservation initiative and responsible tourism as a community development scheme through strategic interventions at economic front. The argument cannot be summarily rejected that responsible tourism couldn’t progress in the environmental dimension at destinations.
  5. Even the concept of ‘Green’ cannot be limited at the environmental dimension as the term has wide meaning these days. Hence, ‘Green Tourism’ also has great resemblance to other concepts in this direction.  
“The concept of sustainable tourism has been discussed in Kerala since its origin. However, its implementation is termed as 'Responsible Tourism Initiative'. There is no difference between Responsible Tourism and Sustainable Tourism” says Dr. K. Raviacademic expert of Kerala Tourism and a member of State Level Responsible Tourism Committee (Former Consultant, Common Wealth Secretariat, London). Dr. Ravi is a lead figure in the development of sustainable tourism policies of Kerala.  Interestingly, Thekkady - a leading sustainable tourism destination from 80s bagged first rank in the Responsible Tourism Scoring done by an agency Green Life India Innovations.
A study conducted among 493 local residents of three responsible tourism destinations in Kerala namely Kovalam, Kumarakom and Thekkedy invariably proved that theoretical underpinnings of both the concepts are same. While correlated the indicator of Responsible Tourism and Sustainable Tourism, it was found more than 80% similarity or 0.8< Variance Explained. The indicator were subsumed under Social, economic, cultural and environmental dimensions after a through literature survey and expert consultations (academic, practice and filed animators).
This may be the reason responsible tourism has only a very few takers and why researches in the area of responsible tourism is very limited. For the sake of interest we may call Sustainable Tourism is theory and Responsible Tourism is practice though quite unreal. In a way, it’s a debate of difference pertaining to concept, theory or practice. However, very interestingly a recent study coined a new term “responsustable tourism” - is suggested to join two existing terms and demonstrate that the current understanding of responsible tourism behavior is based on the concept of sustainable tourism. “Charter for Sustainable and Responsible Tourism” (TSG, 2012) is also established to debate further.
Let's continue the discourse so that more can get leverage. May this marketing exercise help many to build their own kingdom of legacy.
 (The writer is a Ph.D in Management and an independent researcher).

Responsible Tourism = Sustainable Tourism (Old wine (Sustainable Tourism) in new bottle (Responsible Tourism)

Monday, October 30, 2017

Programme Manager@ASAP

Programme Manager@ASAP is a promising and demanding job  role under the skill development mission of Government of Kerala. 

Role as PM
  • ASAP offers Job Flexibility but strictly demands time-bound actions
  • Must be VERY GOOD Campaigner. It is your responsibility to garner more students/trainees to the kitty of ASAP. 
  • No limits for creativity, ideas and execution of your plan at your authority
  • Travel is an inevitable component and you have to reach at any of the institution by 8.00 A.M to monitor classes (8 to 9 every day) 
  • Office Time 9 to 5.30 
  • Targets have to be maintained
  • Good expertise in Basic IT
  • Its a mission mode project and you have to work on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays for sure (Compensatory off can be taken). 

The nature of employment of the cadre is purely contractual.

Selection Process
Round 1: Preliminary screening test – Currently NASSCOM test is being used for preliminary screening- candidates who scores 60% and above in the NAC test qualify for the next round - case study presentation. (Thorough mock tests are suggested) 

 Round 2: Case study presentation - The candidates shall be given a case study to analyze and prepare a presentation of 5 minutes duration. Preparation time of one hour will be given for this task. Candidates scoring 60% and above in this round will be shortlisted for personal interview. 

 Round 3: Personal Interview - Personal Interview will be conducted by a duly constituted Selection Committee.

(All the selected PMs have to attend a training and one month Case Study at any of the ASAP institutions and its nearby area.)

Salary and Benefits
  • Rs.25000 PM + Travel allowance of minimum of Rs.2500/- + communication allowance of Rs.2000/-.
  • Base pay is fixed by adding 10% increment for each of the minimum qualifying years to the Consolidated pay in the previous grade plus 10% grade progression benefit (The proposed percentage of incentive according to the different levels of performance rating are: a. 15% for Rating 1 b. 12% for Rating 2 13 c. 8% for Rating 3 d. No increment for Rating 4 and 5.)
  • Programme Managers from Grade A to E would be eligible for availing the Contributory Provident Fund benefits. 
  • The Programme Managers shall be covered under the National Pension Scheme (NPS)wherein 10% of the consolidated pay shall be made by ASAP and corresponding deduction would be made from Programme Manager for NPS. 
  • The families (self, spouse and two dependent children up to 25 years) of all Programme Managers would be covered under the hospitalisation insurance policy. 
  • The maternity expenses would be covered
  • HRA shall be uniform 10% of consolidated pay drawn across all grades. 
  • All mandatory national holidays shall be declared as Public Holidays.
  • The female Programme Managers would be entitled for maternity leave  and a male Programme Manager would be eligible for Paternity leave of five working days. 

Skill Development Executive (SDE) at ASAP


SDE is the transformational trainer Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP) and ASAP is the skill development mission of Government of Kerala. Role of SDE is most suited to an individual who dares to see changes in front of them. You will be allotted with 25-35 students from higher secondary/colleges, most of them are wish to get a suitable jobs immediately after their current studies. Offer them with necessary skill sets in Communicative English, Basic IT Skills and Personality/Life Skills. ASAP assures that every SDE is getting proper guidance and training well before that. Note that your classes shall be crossed the boundaries of traditional four walls of the class room, as the curriculum of ASAP is totally activity oriented. Simply, facilitate them to participate in the gamification strategy of ASAP to inculcate required professional skills indirectly. Students are expected to qualify the APTIS Test designed by the British Council.  ASAP has around 4000 SDEs in Kerala.

Do you wish to be an SDE of ASAP ?

Criteria 1 : - Must be a Graduate

Criteria 2 : - Good Proficiency in English Language Skills (Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking)

Criteria 3 : - Strong Social Commitment . (Unrelenting passion towards change. SDE is entrusted to make a VISIBLE CHANGE among students, in their personal and professional life)

Criteria 4 :- Expertise to handle training

(This will be checked during the Selection Test, Case Study and Interview)

Type of Assignment

  • Purely part-time
  • After the successful completion of the NAC Test, Interview and Transformational Training, SDE can approach Programme Managers of Skill Development Centres across Kerala. 
  • SDE will be allotted with an institution based on the vacancy and discretion of the Programme Manger . SDE may remains unallotted if no vacancy is notified
  • They are expected to complete 180 hours of the Foundation Module of ASAP. 100Hrs of Communicate English and 80 hrs of Basic IT Skills.
  • One Hour (Preferebly 8 to 9). In rare cases 3.30 to 4.30 and 4.30 to 5.30 depends up on the class dispersal time of institutions)
  • Not more than one hour can be taken a day
  • An SDEs is not encouraged to take class at more than one institution


You have to undergo following steps successfully to be an SDE.

  1. NASCOM NAC Test
  2. Personality Test
  3. Transformation Training
  4. Micro Training Test
  5. IT Training


Rs. 500/hr

Note - SDE is purely a part-time engagement. We always prefer you to associate along with a secured career.  

Thursday, September 28, 2017


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By Paul V Mathew
Programme Manager, ASAP

Friday, February 17, 2017

My Motivation

My Motivation
Hailing from a typical rural background, I had an opportunity to witness dynamic twists of students and youth in my area. The abysmal paradigm of pupil in my village provoked me many times. Many of them either dropped out or their career went awry mainly owe to the family circumstances or due to low exposure to sublimed thoughts. It was a usual sight most of they ended up with the conventional boundaries of career.
This mis-links were apparent; lack of nutrition, no effective parenting, defects in educational approach. There were exceptional cases where people broken their boundaries to fly above limitations. It was through right vision they provided with at some point of life. Education is globally hailed as a catalyst to remove darkness. But right education must be offered to ignite minds of young children. A right mix of nutrition, effective parenting, motivated teaching and skilling is required. It is a participatory approach to ensure overall development of an individual for long term benefit of the nation.
I happened to see, my people are limited in employability skills like Communication, IT and parents, parents are consistently failing in their role to build the career edifice of their children. At the utmost despair, teachers still revolve around the conventional wall of education.
Even though from an ordinary family background, I had the fortunate to interact with some great minds at my undergraduate times. Eventually, my thoughts drowned into the nuances of life and career, which made me to be philosophical. I realized that our premises and nurturing have a critical role in the overall development. Beyond, a practical spirituality moved me to a more elevated direction.  It is an added advantage to be blessed with a mentor. The need of the hour is an ideal mix in education to bridge the prevailing lacuna. Our education ideology needs to be the mutual existence of effective parenting, nutrition, equal opportunity to education, skill based learning, and aptitude oriented career selection. The teaching fraternity, course content and methodology of learning also to be in par with this objectives. I am passionate to work in this direction.
Career Interests
Currently I completed my doctoral thesis and work with the skill development mission of Govt. of Kerala. I had a unique opportunity to meet thousands of students and youth where I utilized my space to sow seeds of development thought. However, beyond mere reading, our philosophies must be backed by scientific evidence. Such scientific strategies and interventions can create catapulting effect among youth. This requires more exposure and guidance from right people. Working with people/organization in this line will help me to spearhead changes in education sector with much vigour. 
Being an individual working in this sector and passionate to introduce change, developing new scientific methodologies and adopting emulating success stories can have a pivotal impact in the education system. It is not as special cases, but as widely accepted model. I firmly believe that Vision India Fellowship will be a guiding force for me.
If I am not selected

If I am not selected, I will remain in this sector and continue with my pursuit for excellence. I will find more time to read, listen and travel to see changes in the education sector. Whatever I observed and imbibed will pass over to others. I will keep my priority to do a post-doctoral programme from a reputed university abroad. Surely with an intention to back to my community and work for the betterment of my fellow beings.