Saturday, March 26, 2011

BRICK - there is a space

This heading brick may not seems any relevance. A brick - simply a solid mud. But finding an opportunity with brick is a good idea. What I intend to say - still opportunity exists, a vast opportunity. That is why murmured, Brick - there is a space. This is not a story on Brick but a lesson from an Anglican Lady Ms. Mery Gormalin. She taught us a lesson from brick - really a good lesson.
Every year she will visit India. I met her in this year at MACFAST. She is a friend/colleague of  Fr. Mulamoottil. Once we noticed that she was collecting bricks from the campus, not one - around 10-15. Some one laughed at her. Some called her an eccentric when she take it in to an auto. We asked, Where is Mery Gormalin? Some one made a slight laugh. Really some one laughed with a meaning. 

After one week, we noticed that Mery came here with this same bricks in an auto. Obviously, it was a brick, but didn't looked like. She decorated it with a small dress or cloth. Simply a dress for brick. We amazed. But she simply walked in to the campus with this brick. Stopped at every doors, removed that stoppers from there and put her decorated bricks at the same position. The brick there was roughly covered with a news paper - it looked very bad - covered papers were pinched. But the new one Mery put was really interesting. A brick with a dress. She made to write on each bricks - MACFAST, new trend setter in India. 

I felt that there is a space for publicity - Opening to opportunities. It is not in US or in UK but India. Why we were so amazed You know?. Effort she made to make this stopper. She don't know Malayalam. Even her English is very difficult to follow. But she made it in Kerala. She visited the textile and brought tvelvet cloths, again approached the tailor and managed to explain her imagination. While thinking I also surprize and laugh, how that tailor understand her idea. ha ha .....a thrilling comedy. He may thought - this 'madama' has some problem , because she is trying to dress a mud, simply a brick. But she made it. Thanks Mary Gormalin. You taught us a great lesson.
Necessity is the mother of invention and where there is will there is a way. While we blaming about problems, obstacles and hardships there is a vast opportunity in front of us. But the lamenting never ends. What expects is really a change in attitude - that determines our level of altitude. Compared to developed countries, they are proud to promulgate their greatness.They will not show any blood shed or tragedies in media-never expose.only great things. but things are entirely different here. When any catastrophe happens, the entire gamut - media, politicians, writers etc will robust their pens and tongues to proclaim it. It is not as a herald of goodness but for fame and to blame. Just think of Japan, they will resurrect with in a year. Will not lament or complain any one. They start work to build their nation. Yesterday Mr. V.S. Valiathan sir said to us - their importance/priority like this 1% space(infra, investment etc.) 4% discipline and 5% spirit, that's why they are developing. the lacuna here is lack of spirit and discipline. Let's leave them and prepare for a knowledge revolution that is only to accomplish our dream - a developed nation in all scene. We have space and resources, really this is an opening to opportunities. Grab energy from great war veteran Napoleon,Think about Swami Vivekanada - "Take up one idea! Make that idea your life ,Think of it .Dream of it,live on that idea.Let the brain,muscles,nerves every part of your body be full of that idea and just leave every other idea alone.This is the way to success." Napoleon's episode of the 'Whiff of Grapeshot' has Influenced me a lot.A 5 feet 2 inch Napoleon Bonaparte is a very special general for me.My FB Photo shows Napoleon crossing Alps with his Army.Indians have a lot to learn from him to rebuild a new India .Like Swami Vivekananda has said 'Arise ,awake & stop not till goal is accomplished.We will put in our efforts to catapult India to Global Super power.Be proud of being an Indian
Proud to be an Indian. For a Great Nation.
Let me conclude.
Now we are keeping a Brick stopper at Principal table. It is not because of its beauty but because of it taches boutless lessons. When she was leaving from the campus, Principal embraced her and presented a gift - not other than this, a framed stopper (brick) - photo to remeber this lesson forever for not only us but also the whole Indian.

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