Monday, February 21, 2011

A qualitative approach to education

Excerpts my Paper - Kerala an education destination in association with Rev. Dr. Abraham Mulamootti
A qualitative approach to education
Contemporary world is highly sophisticated and networked with outstanding global technologies which equipped us to go beyond boundaries. It bridges lacuna and reduces geographical divides among countries and people. Now everyone can access resources of world simultaneously without any restrictions. This fast moving technologies and developments tempted us to look education from all angles and forced us to go for a flexible and multidimensional educational approach which focuses on quality rather than quantity. Along with the concept ‘core competency’ a multidisciplinary approach is a need of this hour. While mastering in one field, our education system should be competent to produce human resource with a multidisciplinary approach which abates the inefficiency to link each other. This will preclude the degradation and demarcation of existing pattern and keep our systems away from obsolescence. The revolution in the field of Information Technology has made virtual system as an integral and indispensable part of education. It enhances the opportunities of research and development, accessibility and easiness of education. In the context of these developments, the concept put forward by this paper gives emphasis on quality education rather than simply Right to Education. In order to achieve quality and acquiring knowledge, our key strength should be on high-tech IT infrastructure. It plays a pivotal role in the functioning of all systems and its integration. All the institutes emerging in this knowledge era should highly IT-centered. Research and Development is the another key area which is to ensure quality of education. It strives to encourage scientific thinking among students, providing them an opportunity to understand the nuances of scientific research. Emphasis should be on acquiring knowledge and cultivating the right scientific temperament as well as developing technical skills by providing specialized in house trainings. Incumbent and Students can get sufficient research, industrial and corporate exposure by taking them to industrial visits. This will help to mold a corporate culture among students.

Undoubtedly let’s state that aim of our education is not to create ‘book eaters’ or ‘techno savvies’ but to achieve the aim ‘perfect person in a perfect society’. The true purpose of education is not only just imparting knowledge but also encouraging personal empowerment of every individual with the desire for self development. Key objective of our education should be not to translate knowledge into economics and lucrative jobs and business but to satisfy every individual thereby achieve the quality of life too. Ultimately transforming manpower in to ethical and competent professionals who would be assets to the society will be our new vision. Right attitude, focused approach and planning have utmost importance in education. Career Management Centers, Counseling Centers, Discussions forums, enhanced Training and Planning table are the necessary elements to achieve sustained growth. This will pave a way to encourage growth of the mind, development of character, discipline, and ethical thinking. While thinking about the concept of ‘knowledge society’ where knowledge is shared freely, its basic foundation should be in our mind; knowledge is never lost on sharing - it only multiplies. This emerging concept provides impetus to the betterment of society and the individual. Institute Industry alliance and collaboration/alliances are another important areas. This is essential to update technological developments and create a corporate thinking and mind among individuals. Establishing a link with the industry and research worlds even while acquiring academic knowledge and skill is now fast becoming a necessity to ensure good employability. Innovative efforts and initiatives to bridge the Industry-Academy divide, Entrepreneurship Development, corporate dynamism is the significant components to achieve the target of quality education.
In keeping with India’s Vision 2020, “Our future depends not on what will happen to us, but on what we decide to become and on the will to create it”, students are equipped to be the change agent that will revitalize and sustain this revolution. This proposed approach for quality education leads to inculcating a flair for leadership, dynamism, courage of conviction, and unwavering commitment to excellence - all qualities necessary that will take our nation to new heights.

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