Monday, January 29, 2018

Exam Smiley

Exam Smiley
Walk in to the exam hall with a fearless mind

This is the time of exam! Many are at the clutch of exam fear. Exam phobia is common and almost all have experienced the heat of exam.  This is mainly due to either the lack of preparation or unwanted anxieties on results. Peer and parental pressure, parents’ expectations and ever increasing competition, low motivation levels, lack of preparation and planning also may worsen the situation.  It is a stark truth that fear leads to underperformance, especially to those who deserved good results.
Here, let’s see how to overcome the fear of exam.
Plan your Time
Time is an investment. Always ask yourself, how do I spend my time? Remember that time and tides never waste for none. The time you spent or wasted will never come back. Time wasted is wasted. Intelligent students use their time wisely and get leverage from their investment on time. Manage your time, keep a time table and allocate your time for all essential things. Above all, stick on to your time table.
Revise regularly
Do you need to wait to study till the exam dates are announced? Many students make this mistake! They just wait and wait until around a couple of months are left before the exam begins! By that time, syllabus/portion will have piled upon them. This makes exam preparation a stressful activity. Many ends up at the juncture of giving up. Ultimately it results in exam fear. Keep in your mind “there is no short cut to memorise; revise, revise and revise. More you revise more you remember and retain.
Familiarize with your Exam Paper
Get a sample question paper and be familiarized with the pattern of question paper. Never be hesitated to take sufficient mock tests.
Give Time for leisure
Don’t forget to find time for rest and leisure. Understand that your brain also has some level of receptivity. Inputs beyond an extent may harm your brain. It is unwise to study for hours at a stretch. If your concentration does not last for a full hour, you should take 10 to 15 minute breaks throughout your study sessions. Try taking a 15 minute break every hour. It is advisable to walk, travel to a natural bounty place and feel relaxed.
Sleep Well
Proper sleep is very vital for winning the exam. A minimum of 7 hours a day is inevitable for a student. You can concentrate well in the morning then do most of your studying before lunch, not late at night when you can’t concentrate. If you can study at night then study at later half of the day, but go to bed at reasonable hour and get enough sleep. Remember the saying “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise”.
Keep electronic gadgets away
Keep at a bay all the electronic gadgets like computer, mobile, television etc. and concentrate on your studies. Needn’t to be distracted by the rings of whatsapp, facebook and other social networking platforms.
Share and Multiply
Nothing wrong in go for group study or forming study circles. It is not reducing but multiplying while you share. It is an act of juxtaposing; the area you weak will be compensated by other and the domain you are strong can be helpful to others. This is an art of achieving synergy.
Trouble Shooter
Never hesitate to ask help and seek support. Reach your teacher or an expert when you are stumbled with doubts. Consult a psychologist if you are overstressed. It is equally good to have a mentor or guide. Above all find a friend and a comforter in your parents.
Stop Comparing
All human beings are unique and different. A good singer not necessary to be a good artist and a good writer not necessary to be a good orator. Likewise, you are not equal to your counterpart in all respects. Believe in yourself, nurture your talent and be a winner in your area of interest/expertise.
Think Positive and B+
Be a person of positivity and be optimistic. If you always imagine and anxious about failures, you will be a failure. But if you dream and visualise success, you will be successful.

Physically Agile
Never forget to keep your body fit and agile. Mind and body are connected. Good physical exhaustion and exercise will make your rate of metabolism high and brain very bright. Set apart at least 30 minutes a day for physical exercises, yoga and meditation. 
Eat Healthy
Avoid high-fat and high-sugar foods. These will only increase your stress levels. Instead, go for plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins like fish.  Avoid caffeine. Drinking coffee, tea, energy drinks, and other highly-caffeinated beverages can actually make you more anxious or nervous before an exam, which leads to poorer performance. Eating dark chocolate which is over 70% cocoa fights the exam stress hormone cortisol and has an overall relaxing effect on the body. Plus chocolate releases endorphins which act as a natural stress fighter.
At the Exam Day
·           Wake up early so that you do not need to rush through having breakfast and get ready
·           Verify once again the subject, venue and time of the exam
·           Have a balanced breakfast
·           Before leaving home, check that you have everything that you will need – ID, stationery etc.
·           Reach exam hall at least 30 minutes early. Never wait for the last vehicle to catch
·           There are people around who are panicking, avoid them.
·           Go to the toilet before the exam starts.
At the Exam Hall
o    Assure that your handwriting is legible and the presentation is good
o    Use appropriate headings and subheadings, diagrams, flowcharts etc.
o    Remember to write your name/Register Number on the exam paper.
o    Manage your time after a quick scan of the question paper. Never write too much and eating away your time
o    Start answering the questions that you feel most confident about which will make you more comfortable
o    If your feel blank, just start writing anything and you will soon start remembering more details.
o    Don’t be afraid to ask the examiner if you are not clear on a question
o    Review your answers before handing back the paper
After the Exam
Stay calm, you have done your homework and have nothing to fear! No need to anxious about the results and answers written. Prepare well for the next exam
Good Luck!

Dr.Paul V Mathew

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