Saturday, March 23, 2019

Interview Questions for ASAP Programme Manager Position

Interview Questions for ASAP Programme Manager Position

You must exhibit your social commitment, willingness to work in a tight schedule, IT Skills
Campaigning experience and passion for training during the interview.

Some model questions.

1. Why do you want to become a PM
2. What is the importance of skill training
3. Your knowledge and feedback on ASAP
4. Are you willing to work anywhere in the state
5. What did you do creatively in your life
6. How your qualification matches the designation
7. Tell your idea on various Skill Development schemes in India
8. What are TNA and TIA
9. Explain the Kirkpatrick model
10. Explain Maslow's need hierarchy theory
11. You are arranged for a training programme. A hartal is announced. How do you tackle it
12. Recent developments in skill training
13. Do you think offering additional classes for skill development is needed in our educational system
14. Tell us about your social contributions
15. Differentiate a teacher and trainer
16. How do you manage your time
17. Are you flexible in working late hours
18. Are you ready traveling exhaustively
19. Are you willing working on holidays and consistently for a month
20. How can we offer an updated curriculum for training
21. Explain about your IT Skills
22. Have you ever visited a skill development center
23. How do you know about ASAP
24. Do you know any student completed ASAP programme
25. What are your greatest professional strengths?
26. How long are you planning to work with ASAP
27. How capable are you dealing with students
28. What is your idea on the job role PM

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